What is SEO Search Engine Optimization ?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technique by which we bring our post or page to the top, or rank on any search engine. Google is the most popular search engine in the whole world, apart from this there are other search engines like Bing, Yahoo.
With the help of SEO, we can keep our blog at No.1 position on all search engines. Let’s suppose if search any of the keyword on the Google, than the google will place the content related to that keyword and All these contents that we see come from different blogs. The result which we see at the top is on No.1 rank in Google.
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What is the Full form of SEO ?
The Full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization and this is very essential element for our website.
Why Search Engine Optimization is Important for Blog?
If we have a website than we need to make sure that the content we are publishing it should be of high quality and It is not so difficult to understand SEO, if we learn it, then we can make your blog much better and increase its value in the search engine. After learning SEO, when we use it for our blog, we will not see its result immediately, for this we will have to be patience and keep doing our work.
Why is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so important?
1.Most users use Search Engines in the Internet to get answers to their questions. In such a situation, they pay more attention to the top results shown by the search Engine.
2. SEO is not just for search engines, but having good SEO practices helps in increasing the user experience and also increases the usability of your website.
3. Users mostly trust only the top results and this increases the trust of that website. That is why it is very important to know in the context of SEO, as well as we need to keep ourselves updated.
4. SEO is also very important for the social promotion of your website or blog. Because people who see your site in search engines like google, then most of them share them in social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest.
5. SEO plays an important role in increasing the traffic of any site.
6. SEO definitely helps you to stay ahead in any competition. Let’s if two websites are Representing similar things, then the website which is SEO optimized attracts more customers and their sales also increase while others are not able to do as much.
Types of Search Engine Optimization
On Page SEO
Off Page SEO
Local SEO
What is On-Page SEO
On page SEO work is done in our blog. This means to design our website properly which is SEO friendly. Using the template in our website by following the rule of SEO. Writing good content and using good keywords in them which are most searched in search engines.
Using keywords in the right place in the page like title, meta description, using keywords in the content makes it easy for Google to know on whom your content is written and helps to rank your website on Google page quickly. Due to which the traffic of your blog increases.
What is Off-Page SEO ?
All the work of Off Page SEO is done outside the blog. we have to promote our blog, like going to many popular blogs, commenting on their article and submitting the link of our website, we call it backlink. Website benefits a lot from backlinks Make an attractive page of your website on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Quora and increase our followers, this has the chances of increasing more visitors to our website. In big blogs which are very popular, submit guest post on their blog, this will allow visitors to their blog to know you and traffic will start coming to your website.
What is Local SEO ?
If we do local SEO, then this is the summation of two words Local + SEO. That is, SEO done keeping in mind a local audience is called Local SEO. This is a technique in which our website or blog is specially optimized so that it ranks better on the search engine for a local audience.
Read More about SEO with other sources
Information about SEO Terms
Backlink– These are very important from the seo point of view, as it directly influences the Search Ranking of any webpage.
PageRank– PageRank is an algorithm that Google uses to estimate which relative important pages are located in the web.
Anchor text– Anchor text of any backlink is text which is clickable. If our Keyword are present in our Anchor Text, then it will help us a lot from the point of view of SEO as well.
Title Tag– It is mainly the title of any web page and this is a very important factor for Google’s Search Algorithm.
Meta Tags– By using it , Search Engines get to know what is in the content in the pages.
Search Algorithm– With the help of this, we can find out which web pages are relevant in the whole Internet. About 200 algorithms work in Google’s Search Algorithm.
SERP– Search Engine Results Page. It basically shows only those pages which are relevant according to Google Search Engines.
Key Density– It shows how many times any key has been used in the article and it is very important for the SEO Point.
access Stuffing– If the keyword is used more than necessary, it is called Keyword Stuffing.
Robots.txt– This is nothing more than just a file which is kept in the root of the domain. Using this, the search bots are informed about the structure of the website.